We believe
our community
is incomplete
without children.
Your child
has a place here.
We Believe:
• It is our first job to protect children.
• The church is incomplete without children and youth. We all need each other.
• Children are innately spiritual. Adults have a lot to learn from children.
• Faith means embracing the mystery of God. There is not one right answer to questions of faith.
• There is not one right way to pray, worship or be a Christian.
• Our children and youth are beloved exactly as they are. We love and support young people on LGBTQ+ journeys.
• Children and youth will form a deeper relationship with the church community and God if they are actively and consistently involved in the community.
• Parents have the biggest influence on a child’s faith.
• By aiding the child and youth in a “positive and active relationship to spirituality,” research shows they are “40% less likely to use and abuse substances, 60% less likely to be depressed as teenagers, 80% less likely to have dangerous or unprotected sex, and have significantly more positive markers for thriving including an increased sense of meaning and purpose, and high levels of academic success.” *The Spiritual Child by Lisa Miller, Ph.D
• I embrace and encourage curiosity in my church community; I have the courage to ask questions of my faith.
• I am part of a welcoming environment, where I believe everyone belongs.
• I seek to be a partner in differing communities; I understand my Christian identity as a people to work for justice.
• I find joy in connecting with the community and engaging in social activities.
• I participate in the traditions of the church with my family.
• I am authentic in sharing my faith with others.
• I ask and respond to wondering questions in Godly Play, Children’s Chapel, Youth Group and at home.
• I participate in the service through reading, acolyting, greeting or singing.
• I feel free to be who I am, to share and explore my identity within this safe community.
• I learn about inequities in our society and take steps towards change.
• I find joy in taco parties, rolling chair derbies and kickball in the rain.
Family Offerings & Info
Meet Laurie Pierce
Laurie Pierce has served as our Director of Children, Youth and Family Ministry since August 2021. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree is in Religion & Philosophy and Youth Ministry, and served in Peace Corps China for two years, teaching English and volunteering at an orphanage.