Feeling Despair
“One way you can be a sign of God’s mercy and presence is by making a donation to the Wildfire Response Fund at Episcopal Relief and Development. Your donation will support not only the immediate needs in the region but also the ongoing work that will continue long after the fires are extinguished.”
Vestry Nominees, Rector Transition Details, Bishop Visit, Annual Meeting, Formation Opportunities and more.
RIP, Jimmy Carter
“You and I can choose to live our faith each day in whatever opportunities God gives us to shine the light of Christ for those who most need it.”
Vestry Nominees for the Class of 2028
The Nominating Committee of St. Paul’s Vestry is pleased to announce the four candidates on this year’s slate: Jacob Denning, Shane Hatchett, Ann Hinson and Drew Tharp.
As allowed by the by-laws, additional nominations may be made. Nominations will be open through Wednesday, January 15, 2025.
The election of the Vestry Class of 2028 will be held electronically during the week prior to the Annual Meeting scheduled for Sunday, February 9.
Epiphany Tea, Family Winter Contingency Shelter Needs, Centering Prayer, ABC Choir, TGIF Gathering and more.
Truly Human
“‘For us and for our salvation, he came down from heaven, was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became truly human.’ (Nicene Creed from Enriching Our Worship 1, p. 53; emphasis added)…I prefer this quoted version of the Nicene Creed – it reminds us that God became truly human. This implies that the Incarnation also comes with all the messiness that is the human condition: hopes, dreams, stubbed toes, upset stomachs, disappointments, celebrations, and more. All of this challenges the picture of a brown hair, soft white skin, and physically fit Christ Jesus from the churches of my youth. And I love that – I love that it challenges us into consider what else we have assumed or incorrectly believed to be true.”
Advent :: Parishioner Reflection
"…Paul says, “How can we thank God enough for you….?” I read those words as Advent practices. Gratitude and thankfulness, joy and hope from a relationship with God and our companions will be my lens while I look at the candle’s flame this Advent. I’ll be asking myself these questions as I read, pray, and watch.”
Choir School Fall Recital, Advent & Christmas, Christmas Music & Flowers, Christmas Bulletin Cover Art, Holy Baptism and more.
Practice Gratitude
“Whatever is going on in the world or in our lives, there are always blessings. What are the blessings in your life? For what are you thankful? Perhaps it is supportive family and friends or a warm place to call home. Perhaps it is the ability to get up each morning and live a new day or a bed to rest in after a tiring day. However large or small your blessings are, Thursday is an opportunity to name them and include them in a prayer of thanks to God.”
Advent Lessons & Carols, All-Parish Coffee Hour, Choir School Recital, Christmas Families & Alternative Gift Market, Lifelong Learners and more.
The Present
“…we often fail to see what is right in front of us. We take the present moment for granted instead of being ‘acutely aware’ of it. So, we miss the opportunity to rejoice in the beauty around us or to celebrate the relationship of the person we are with. Or we push away our grief from the loss we’re experiencing or the opportunity to care for the neighbor who is hurting. We miss the gifts of the season we’re in because we’re living too soon in the season to come.”
Potluck & Service Day, Vestry Nominations, Multifaith Thanksgiving Service, Thanksgiving Holiday Hours, Advent Lessons & Carols and more.
God’s Goodness
“We are not powerless. We are not subject to the capricious whims of gods or anyone else. We are created with the divine spark of goodness, a spark which fills us with the power of a loving and gracious God. This same God equips us and calls us to share God’s goodness with our neighbors and all of creation.”
St. Paul’s Community Engagement team Christmas drives, A Bach Harvest : Cantatas & Courtly Dances Concert, Vestry Nominations, Multifaith Thanksgiving Service and more.
‘“Inspired by sacred worship and Jesus’ call to love our neighbor, St. Paul’s welcomes and serves all with a commitment to justice, inclusion and generous hospitality.’ This is who we are. This is what we do. We are a people committed to sharing Christ’s love, creating community and striving for justice. People need Jesus’ compassion today. We are the people called to share it.”