Faith In Action Update :: Contact State Legislators
Advocacy, Equity and Justice Action Suggestion

The Rev. Devon Anderson’s first Sunday at St. Paul’s, Camino de Santiago Adult Faith Forum, Sung Morning Prayer, Holy Baptism, Educate to Advocate Symposium and more

Welcoming Interim Rector the Rev. Devon Anderson, Jean-Baptiste Robin Concert, Choir Pilgrimage Adult Faith Forum, St. Paul’s 101, Easter Flowers/Music and more

Faith In Action Update :: Contact U.S. Representatives
Advocacy, Equity and Justice Action Suggestion

Rector Transition Forum, Couples Check-In Workshop, FIA Grant Deadline, Sung Morning Prayer & Evensong and more.

Faith In Action Update :: Learn more about Immigration in the U.S.
Advocacy, Equity and Justice Action Suggestion

Faith In Action Update :: Contact legislators
Advocacy, Equity and Justice Action Suggestion

Retirement Celebration, Pancake Supper & Burning of the Palms, Ash Wednesday, Lenten Gatherings, Choral Evensong and more.

Upcoming Transition
“I will always hold you in my heart. But it is of utmost importance that I establish clear boundaries which allow my successor to create healthy and loving pastoral relationships with you. As I said during my address at the annual meeting, just as I need to let go of you, so you need to let go of me.”

The Rev. John Denson’s last weekend at St. Paul’s, Sung Morning Prayer, Three Choirs Festival, Communicating Through Conflict Adult Faith Forum and more

“In the middle”
“Living in the middle understandably raises anxiety. It is so easy to focus on what we don’t know instead of what we do know. Which makes this a good time to remember that God is with us always, including in the middle. ‘Even there your hand will lead me, and your right hand hold me fast.’”

FreeWill, The Gesualdo Six Concert, Men’s Group, Advocacy in Action, Lenten Gatherings, Bingo and more.

“The final countdown to retirement has begun. Four more Sundays. Three more weeks in the church office. Two more sermons to preach. One more Evensong to officiate. With a heart full of gratitude, I intend to cherish every moment.”

Voting Deadline, Annual Meeting, Choral Evensong, Lifelong Learners, Pancake Supper, Lenten Gatherings and more.

2025 Ballot & Voting, Annual Meeting, “Why” Reunification?, Chair Yoga, Lifelong Learners and more

Kindness & Humility
“…we strive for justice but do so with open and welcoming hearts. As the prophet Micah reminds us, kindness and humility are necessarily linked to the work of justice. ‘What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?’ (Micah 6:8)”