Support St. Paul's: Give with a Generous Heart

Your contributions help us continue our mission of sharing Christ’s love, creating community and striving for justice. Every gift, big or small, makes a lasting impact. Thank you for your generosity!

Donate and Make an Impact: Ways to Give

  • FY 2026 Annual Appeal

    Giving is an expression of our gratitude and the mark of our disciplined life in faith. It is personal and communal, providing important ministries both at St. Paul’s and beyond. Wherever you are on the giving spectrum, your contributions are significant to us.

  • Honor a Loved One :: Memorials or Flowers/Music

    Remember/thank a loved one with a meaningful tribute. Give a memorial donation, provide Easter Day altar flowers/music or Sunday service altar flowers. Designate these in memory of or thanksgiving for someone special, beautifying our worship space and supporting the St. Paul’s mission in their name.

  • Support St. Paul's Music

    Your generosity helps us continue to enrich our community through music. Every contribution sustains performances, enhances our programs and brings inspiring music to life. Click below to support St. Paul’s Music ministry today.

  • Other Ministry & Program Giving

    Your gift strengthens the many ways St. Paul’s serves our congregation and community. From sabbatical funding to youth activities and Mission in Mombasa, your generosity fuels our mission. Click below to support the ministries and programs that make a difference in our shared journey of faith.

  • Planned Giving

    Consider making a lasting impact through planned giving. By including St. Paul’s in your estate plans, you ensure that future generations will benefit from our mission and ministries. Explore the options for leaving a meaningful legacy today.

  • Stock Donations

    Stock donations may be given to any St. Paul's Ministry. Please click here for instructions. Click the button below to email Liz Hoffman with questions.