All-Parish Coffee Hour
On the first Sunday of the month, we do not have Youth Group, Godly Play classes or Adult Formation from 10:15-11:00am. Instead, we come together as one community for social time together.
The Intergenerational (Intergen) Team hosts these gatherings.
Intergen Team Mission - Intentionally host opportunities for all ages within the church to create meaningful relationships with one another, learn from each other, trust and strengthen relationships at St. Paul’s.
The church is a unique place where all ages are able to intermix.
We all need each other. Kids and adults have much to learn and share with one another.
Our church is a fuller picture of the Kingdom of God when there are authentic relationships across our whole community.
If the weather is nice, we have a party outside. If not, we have a party indoors. The entire community is invited to come together to share in food and drink and be together. We usually have an activity or game for kids and adults alike.