Get Involved in Family Ministry

Worship Roles

Children, youth and families are encouraged to sign up to participate in worship as acolytes, readers, greeters, ushers, worship tool managers and Children’s Chapel assistants. Read more here. Email Laurie to get signed up.

Adults Volunteering with Family Ministry or Youth Ministry

What role would light up your spirit? We believe serving in a role will:

1. Help your personal faith journey and your child’s. Research has shown that parents are the biggest influencers of a child’s continued faith.

2. Help connect you to the community.

3. Help contribute to a large group of volunteers to prevent over-extending and burn out.

4. Help break stereotypes of certain genders, personality types being the only voices in this ministry.

All parents are asked to find at least one role they can commit to for next program year (Sept-May). 

We are seeking total parent participation, male volunteers, introverts, leaders that do not have children at home, in addition to all generations of volunteers. 

The volunteer roles range from showing up once a month to being on a committed planning team. Read more and request more information here.