Upcoming Transition
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

Upcoming Transition

“I will always hold you in my heart. But it is of utmost importance that I establish clear boundaries which allow my successor to create healthy and loving pastoral relationships with you. As I said during my address at the annual meeting, just as I need to let go of you, so you need to let go of me.”

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“In the middle”
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

“In the middle”

“Living in the middle understandably raises anxiety. It is so easy to focus on what we don’t know instead of what we do know. Which makes this a good time to remember that God is with us always, including in the middle. ‘Even there your hand will lead me, and your right hand hold me fast.’”

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Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy


“The final countdown to retirement has begun. Four more Sundays. Three more weeks in the church office. Two more sermons to preach. One more Evensong to officiate. With a heart full of gratitude, I intend to cherish every moment.”

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Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy


“…acts of compassion and mercy, Jesus says, are how God’s power is made known. And since this is Jesus’ calling and purpose, it also ours as his disciples.

Who do you worship? Whose light will you shine?”

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Kindness & Humility
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

Kindness & Humility

“…we strive for justice but do so with open and welcoming hearts. As the prophet Micah reminds us, kindness and humility are necessarily linked to the work of justice. ‘What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?’ (Micah 6:8)”

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Practice Gratitude
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

Practice Gratitude

“Whatever is going on in the world or in our lives, there are always blessings. What are the blessings in your life? For what are you thankful? Perhaps it is supportive family and friends or a warm place to call home. Perhaps it is the ability to get up each morning and live a new day or a bed to rest in after a tiring day. However large or small your blessings are, Thursday is an opportunity to name them and include them in a prayer of thanks to God.”

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The Present
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

The Present

“…we often fail to see what is right in front of us. We take the present moment for granted instead of being ‘acutely aware’ of it. So, we miss the opportunity to rejoice in the beauty around us or to celebrate the relationship of the person we are with. Or we push away our grief from the loss we’re experiencing or the opportunity to care for the neighbor who is hurting. We miss the gifts of the season we’re in because we’re living too soon in the season to come.”

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God’s Goodness
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

God’s Goodness

“We are not powerless. We are not subject to the capricious whims of gods or anyone else. We are created with the divine spark of goodness, a spark which fills us with the power of a loving and gracious God. This same God equips us and calls us to share God’s goodness with our neighbors and all of creation.”

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Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy


‘“Inspired by sacred worship and Jesus’ call to love our neighbor, St. Paul’s welcomes and serves all with a commitment to justice, inclusion and generous hospitality.’ This is who we are. This is what we do. We are a people committed to sharing Christ’s love, creating community and striving for justice. People need Jesus’ compassion today. We are the people called to share it.”

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Words have power
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

Words have power

“…Words have power. They have the power to lift up or push down, to encourage or discourage, to include or exclude. Words can inspire us to love or to hate, to work for justice or to turn a blind eye to injustice. They can fill us with hope or fear, with courage or despair.”

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Helpful Prayers
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

Helpful Prayers

“If you feel anxious about the upcoming election, you are not alone. In my conversations, some people seek comfort, wanting assurance that God is with them. Others seek direction, some way to channel their anxiety into positive action…”

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“God and Country”
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

“God and Country”

"Bear witness to Christ in your life so others see a different way of being Christian. Follow St. Paul’s teaching to live by the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23)"

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Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy


How does our Christian faith influence our vote? How might scripture be a resource as we evaluate candidates and their policies? How do my values as a Christian inform my vote? Whatever happens in November and beyond, how can I be a person who bears the peace, grace, love and justice of Christ into the world? 

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Finding Balance
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

Finding Balance

"How do you find balance in your life? If your life feels extroverted, how do you create time to rest and turn off the noise that infiltrates your life? Can you commit to a few minutes to pray? Can you give yourself permission to set aside the to-do list for a short nap or to read or take a walk? Can you put down the phone and social media for a few minutes to rejoice in the beauty of creation?"

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Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy


Image source: Bass Photo Co Collection, Indiana Historical Society

"...Looking back can be a good thing as long as we avoid the trap of nostalgia. We stand on a foundation and tradition of the past to remain unchanged but to strengthen us to respond to Jesus’ call to live faithfully in the present...If we are faithful in our mission, we will make Christ known today and create a solid foundation for the next generation."

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