Intergenerational Godly Play

Intergenerational Godly Play

Sunday, February 16, 10:15-11 a.m., Room 211 (second floor, Parish Ctr. bldg.)

All ages are invited to wonder and explore together with Godly Play, a Montessori approach to faith formation. Through storytelling, wondering and creative response, this program does not provide answers but aids in creating meaning and connections within your community - adults and children together, learning from one other. Intergenerational Godly Play occurs on the third Sunday of each month. 

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Annual Meeting

Annual Meeting

Sunday, February 9, 10:15-12 p.m., Parish Hall

All adults and youth are encouraged to attend the St. Paul's Annual Meeting after the 9 a.m. service and participate in conversation with our Rector, leadership and fellow parishioners. Youth (grades 6-12) are invited to join us during the meeting (Youth Lounge will be closed). Childcare and snacks will be available for ages infant-4 in the nursery. Ages 4-grade 5 may enjoy a kids dance party in the Lilly Room. 

There will be no 11:15 a.m. service offered that day.

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Adult Forum

Adult Forum

Sunday, February 2, 10:15-11 a.m., Parish Hall

Join the Rev. John Denson and Dan Thompson for a pre-Annual Meeting information session focusing on governance and administration. This session will offer more time than the Annual Meeting allows to present and discuss the details of our financial and administrative priorities. Copies of the 2024 annual report will be available at the forum and are on the welcome table in Burrows Commons. Click here to view a digital copy.

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Adult Faith Forum :: Q & A with Bishop Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows

Adult Faith Forum :: Q & A with Bishop Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows

Sunday, January 26, 11:15 a.m. - 12 p.m., Parish Hall

Bishop Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows will visit St. Paul’s on January 26. She will preach and preside at the 7:45 and 10 a.m. services that day and will confirm St. Paul's candidates at the 10 a.m. service.* All are invited to stay after the 10 a.m. service for a forum led by the Bishop, with time for questions and answers.

*Please note, there will be services at 7:45 and 10 a.m. only on January 26; there will be no 9 or 11:15 a.m. services.

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