“God and Country”
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

“God and Country”

"Bear witness to Christ in your life so others see a different way of being Christian. Follow St. Paul’s teaching to live by the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23)"

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Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy


How does our Christian faith influence our vote? How might scripture be a resource as we evaluate candidates and their policies? How do my values as a Christian inform my vote? Whatever happens in November and beyond, how can I be a person who bears the peace, grace, love and justice of Christ into the world? 

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eConnections St. Paul's Indy eConnections St. Paul's Indy


Investiture Service Watch Party, Ronen Chamber Ensemble Concert, Fall Formation Election Series, Mosaic Book Club, Habitat for Humanity Build and more

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Finding Balance
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

Finding Balance

"How do you find balance in your life? If your life feels extroverted, how do you create time to rest and turn off the noise that infiltrates your life? Can you commit to a few minutes to pray? Can you give yourself permission to set aside the to-do list for a short nap or to read or take a walk? Can you put down the phone and social media for a few minutes to rejoice in the beauty of creation?"

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Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy


Image source: Bass Photo Co Collection, Indiana Historical Society

"...Looking back can be a good thing as long as we avoid the trap of nostalgia. We stand on a foundation and tradition of the past to remain unchanged but to strengthen us to respond to Jesus’ call to live faithfully in the present...If we are faithful in our mission, we will make Christ known today and create a solid foundation for the next generation."

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Season of Creation
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

Season of Creation

"According to the Season of Creation website, this season 'is a time to renew our relationship with our Creator and all creation through celebration, conversion, and commitment together. During the Season of Creation, we join our [siblings] in the ecumenical family in prayer and action for our common home.'"

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Sacred Time
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

Sacred Time

"Psalm 139 reminds us that our separation of time into sacred and secular is a fiction. All time is filled with God’s presence. We are never alone but always existing in a space in which God is with us. All time, therefore, is sacred time."

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Orthodoxy & Orthopraxis
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

Orthodoxy & Orthopraxis

“…all of us are called by God to weave together our beliefs and our actions. God desires us to do more than recite a covenant each time we celebrate Holy Baptism. God wants us to live the covenant in whatever way makes the most sense for us. As the late writer and theologian Frederick Buechner wrote, ‘The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.’”

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