Season of Creation
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

Season of Creation

"According to the Season of Creation website, this season 'is a time to renew our relationship with our Creator and all creation through celebration, conversion, and commitment together. During the Season of Creation, we join our [siblings] in the ecumenical family in prayer and action for our common home.'"

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Sacred Time
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

Sacred Time

"Psalm 139 reminds us that our separation of time into sacred and secular is a fiction. All time is filled with God’s presence. We are never alone but always existing in a space in which God is with us. All time, therefore, is sacred time."

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Orthodoxy & Orthopraxis
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

Orthodoxy & Orthopraxis

“…all of us are called by God to weave together our beliefs and our actions. God desires us to do more than recite a covenant each time we celebrate Holy Baptism. God wants us to live the covenant in whatever way makes the most sense for us. As the late writer and theologian Frederick Buechner wrote, ‘The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.’”

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What is Evil?
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

What is Evil?

“If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; be kind anyway. If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; be honest and frank anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; build anyway. The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow; do good anyway. You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God; it is never between you and them anyway.” (Attributed to Mother Teresa)

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Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy


“Who are the saints in your life? Who are your heroes? Who do you follow on social media? Who do you vote for in elections? The lists we create matter, for who we admire shapes who we are and what we value. “

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God’s Mission
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

God’s Mission

“…Jesus did not call us to change the world. He called us to participate in God’s mission in whatever way we can, no matter how small the act may be.” (The Rev. John Denson, D.Min.) To flourish, the kingdom of God only needs an act the size of a mustard seed. (Mark 4:31-32)

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eConnections St. Paul's Indy eConnections St. Paul's Indy


Ely Pilgrimage Livestreams, Diocesan Youth Mission Trip Experience, Prayer Request for Reunification Discernment, Mess Fest Yard Signs, Produce Donations and more.

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Sabbatical Joy
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

Sabbatical Joy

“…The most important lesson I learned was not written in a recipe but in a book by Kendall Vanderslice, By Bread Alone: A Baker’s Reflections on Hunger, Longing, and the Goodness of God. ‘The goal [of baking] should not be mastery in and of itself, but curiosity and joy. Breadmaking, like faith, is a craft to hone over the course of a lifetime, a truth that is at once exciting and liberating.’”

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Reflection :: July 4
Parishioner Reflection St. Paul's Indy Parishioner Reflection St. Paul's Indy

Reflection :: July 4

“…singers from St. Paul’s Choir will embark on a pilgrimage to sing in residence at one of England’s most glorious cathedrals: Ely… Please keep the choir pilgrims in your prayers. We look forward to this experience, and to coming back to our home parish with renewed spirits and full hearts.”

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