Welcome back, St. Paul’s Choir members!

Members of St. Paul’s Choir had an unforgettable pilgrimage to Ely Cathedral, filled with music, history and camaraderie. Here's a glimpse into their week:

  • Monday: The journey began with a rehearsal at Corpus Christi College in Cambridge, culminating in a beautiful Evensong at Ely Cathedral.

  • Tuesday: After a morning rehearsal and a tour of King’s College, the choir performed Evensong at Ely and dined at King’s Ely dining hall.

  • Wednesday: A standout day with a lunchtime concert and Evensong No. 3 at Ely’s Lady Chapel. The audience was gracious, and the choir sounded magnificent. They also celebrated chorister Sinead S.’s 16th birthday!

  • Thursday: The trebles and teens shone, performing a special Evensong at Ely with pieces by local English composers, Wayne Marshall and Sarah MacDonald, who attended and encouraged our young singers.

  • Friday: A free day in London, featuring the Changing the Guard, visits to the Tower of London and Westminster Abbey and an Evensong at St Paul’s Cathedral sung by friends from St. Phillip’s Cathedral in Atlanta.

  • Saturday: The choir enjoyed punting on the River Cam, passing through several of Cambridge’s historic colleges and ended the day with Evensong No. 5.

  • Sunday: The last day at Ely was bittersweet with a morning Eucharist and final Evensong, followed by a banquet in Cambridge.

Thank you to Ely Cathedral, for the warm welcome. We are thrilled to have our choir back home at St. Paul's! To view recordings of the choir singing at Ely, click here to go to Ely Cathedral's YouTube channel.




Faith in Action/Outreach Update :: MLK Lay Clergy Group Meeting