FY2025 Appeal, All-Parish Coffee Hour, Choir School Recital, Indy Pride, TGIF Event and more.
Reflection :: April 25
“…Subtle evangelism can be very powerful. It doesn’t need to accost. It doesn’t need to challenge by asking if one “is saved,” or hand out flyers on street corners. We can all be evangelists. We need only to quietly share and let God do the rest, just as he did in the early 40s at St. Paul’s.”
“Celebrate St. Paul’s,” Choral Mattins, Family Ministry Stewardship, 2024 Graduates, MLK Lay Clergy Group, Name Tags and more.
MLK Lay Clergy Update :: Housing
Read more about the MLK Lay Clergy Group’s efforts to be part of a plan to address the housing crisis in Indianapolis.
Reflection :: April 18
“Do we merely use what we have received, without actually taking the time to thank God for the gifts of creation, and our good Earth, where these gifts come from? It’s easy to plant our gardens and fields, grow the plants, and then harvest them without ever taking time to give thanks to God for providing this planet, our island home, or for the plants who did the actual work of producing fruit.”
Outreach Input Meeting, Mental Health Workshop, Three Choirs Festival at Trinity, “Celebrate St. Paul’s” RSVPs, Recycling Guidelines for Earth Day and more.
Reflection :: April 11
“…It’s never easy to be different to a majority. St Paul’s has made demonstrable and expanding efforts to welcome in folks of all backgrounds, especially for those whose ethnic background and/or gender identity have led them to feel excluded from other groups. Having been called to the rare disease community, perhaps the gift our family has for St. Paul’s is to help make it even more a place where the neurodiverse and the differently abled are not only tolerated and accepted, but celebrated and supported.”
Choral Mattins, Newcomer Tour, “Stress Less Through Mindfulness” Adult Faith Forum, “Celebrate St. Paul’s,” Outreach Input Meeting and more.
Reflection :: April 4
“…I invite you to walk together with a cohort of congregants. You may discover a substantive process that brings healing to some, transformation in others, and demonstrates St. Paul’s commitment to engaging in the critical discourse that will propel us forward. “
All-Parish Coffee Hour, Newcomer Tour, Indianapolis Symphonic Choir Concert, Mental Health Workshop, “Celebrate St. Paul’s” and more.
Outreach Input Meeting
Outreach wants your input! Please RSVP at for planning purposes
Creating Silence
“I will look forward to hearing the sounds of St. Paul’s when I return in July. Until then, know that you will be in my heart and in my prayers. Thank you for blessing my life and the lives of countless others with the many ways you share Christ’s love, create community, and strive for justice.”
Sabbath & Restoration
“Sabbath rest is deeper than one good night of sleep. It is the intentional setting aside of our labor and the many demands placed on us, so we can enter more fully into the generative presence of God. As Br. James Koester, SSJE reminds us, ‘“We are commanded to rest on the sabbath then, not because we are tired and overworked, although we may be, but because in keeping sabbath we discover again who God is, and what it might mean for us to participate in God’s very nature, who is a God of mercy, joy, and rest.”’
Holy Week & Easter Day Worship, “Celebrate St. Paul’s'“ invite, FJA Grant Program, Shape Note Singing, Spanish Classes and more.
Family Ministry :: Holy Week & Easter Day Offerings
There are multiple Family Ministry opportunities for Holy Week and Easter Day at St. Paul’s!
Mission & Core Values
“You’ll hear the mission and core values woven into the fabric of parish life in the coming months. In sermons, team meetings, ministry opportunities, and publications, we’ll focus on the statement to inspire us to become more intentional and faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. For now, I invite you to spend a few minutes on your own reflecting on the statement. How do our mission and core values connect with you in your life? Inspired by them, what might Jesus be inviting you to do during the next several weeks and months?”
Holy Week and Easter Day worship, Celebrate St. Paul’s Auction, Rector’s Sabbatical, Yoga with Carrie, and more.
Conversion of life
“How might focusing on the vow of conversion of life shape us at St. Paul’s? First, we honor tradition without being bound by it. We carry with us what strengthens us and let go of what holds us back. Second, we accept that following Jesus requires us to move toward a future we cannot clearly perceive or control. Though the limits on our control might cause anxiety, we walk forward with faith in God and each other. Third, we foster diversity in our community, seeking new leaders, new gifts, and new skills which reflect the full tapestry of God’s people.”