Filtering by: “Adult Formation & Fellowship”

TGIF Gathering

TGIF Gathering

Friday, January 17, 6 p.m., Parish Hall

Adults (21+) are invited to a potluck chili cook-off. Please bring a prepared pot of your favorite chili (multiple entries are also welcome). Each entry will be assigned a number (only the person who made it will know which one is theirs). Those that don't wish to make chili are welcome to bring sides (cheese, onions or a dessert to accompany the main course). The evening will start with sampling and rating all chilis. After the top three entries are selected, the cooks will be revealed and then bowls can be enjoyed by all. After eating, all will play cards/games (bring cards for Euchre, Uno or other favorite games). Please click here to RSVP to Alan Davis by Tuesday, January 14.

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Upstairs Adult Formation :: A Guided Meditation for Advent

Upstairs Adult Formation :: A Guided Meditation for Advent

Sunday, December 15, 10:15-11 a.m., CRR (second floor, Parish Ctr. bldg.)

Join the Rev. Beth Scriven for a peaceful guided meditation through the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth in Luke’s Gospel. Enter into the story for yourself and see what God might uncover for you through the experience!

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Adult Faith Forum :: Adviento: Tradiciones Latinas (Advent: Latino Traditions)

Adult Faith Forum :: Adviento: Tradiciones Latinas (Advent: Latino Traditions)

Sunday, December 15, 10:15-11 a.m., Parish Hall

Adviento: Tradiciones Latinas (Advent: Latino Traditions)

While many of us are focused on our own traditions of Advent, we will pause to consider how our neighbors in the Latino community observe this season of waiting, longing and anticipation. Join the Rev. Jeff Bower and members of the Puentes Leadership Team in exploring some of the rich traditions, meanings and history of the celebrations of La Fiesta de Senora de Guadalupe and Las Posadas.  

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Adult Formation :: Published Prayers you’ve never seen

Adult Formation :: Published Prayers you’ve never seen

CRR (second floor, Parish Ctr. bldg.)

Join the Rev. John Denson for a tour through some of the prayers and prayer books from around the Episcopal/Anglican scene. This offering will touch on all sorts of places and occasions for prayer, from A New Zealand Prayer Book to the newly published Rage Prayers, and offer a chance for you to explore the resources yourself.

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