Adult Faith Forum :: Rector Transition Update
Sunday, March 9, 2025, 10:15-11 a.m., Parish Hall
For updates on the rector transition process, please join St. Paul’s wardens for an informational forum.

Mosaic Book Club
Mosaic Book Club meets next on Thursday, March 6 from 6:30-8 p.m. at Fire by the Monon.

All-Parish Coffee Hour
There will be opportunities for community and connection for all ages, as well as a puzzle or two to complete.

Richard Rohr Men's Group
This men’s group typically meets on the fourth Thursday of each month, fostering a space for deep listening without judgment.

Centering Prayer
This method of prayer is both a relationship with God, and a discipline to foster that relationship.” (Contemplative Outreach)

Tuesday Study Group
All are invited to join the conversation, regardless of reading the book.

Adult Faith Forum :: Communicating Through Conflict
Join the Wellness Team in welcoming licensed marriage and family therapists (LMFTs), Jill Frame and Dena Hein for a discussion on how to best communicate through conflict.

To RSVP or to be added to the email list for this group, please click here to email Jacob Denning.

Centering Prayer
This method of prayer is both a relationship with God, and a discipline to foster that relationship.” (Contemplative Outreach)

Tuesday Study Group
All are invited to join the conversation, regardless of reading the book.

Tuesday Study Group
All are invited to join the conversation, regardless of reading the book.

To RSVP or to be added to the email list for this group, please click here to email Jacob Denning.

To RSVP or to be added to the email list for this group, please click here to email Jacob Denning.

Newcomer Luncheon
Please RSVP by Wednesday, January 15: click here to email your RSVP to Tana Hunnicutt or add your name to the sign-up in Burrows Commons.

TGIF Gathering
Friday, January 17, 6 p.m., Parish Hall
Adults (21+) are invited to a potluck chili cook-off. Please bring a prepared pot of your favorite chili (multiple entries are also welcome). Each entry will be assigned a number (only the person who made it will know which one is theirs). Those that don't wish to make chili are welcome to bring sides (cheese, onions or a dessert to accompany the main course). The evening will start with sampling and rating all chilis. After the top three entries are selected, the cooks will be revealed and then bowls can be enjoyed by all. After eating, all will play cards/games (bring cards for Euchre, Uno or other favorite games). Please click here to RSVP to Alan Davis by Tuesday, January 14.

Adult Faith Forum :: Rector's Transition Discussion
Join us for an important conversation about the upcoming rector transition.

Epiphany Tea
Sunday, January 5, 10:15-11 a.m., Lilly Room
All are invited to join the Intergenerational Team at an Epiphany Tea. Enjoy fellowship with one another while sipping tea, sampling goodies and learning some history behind this tradition. Please click here to email Barb MacDougall with questions.

Upstairs Adult Formation :: A Guided Meditation for Advent
Sunday, December 15, 10:15-11 a.m., CRR (second floor, Parish Ctr. bldg.)
Join the Rev. Beth Scriven for a peaceful guided meditation through the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth in Luke’s Gospel. Enter into the story for yourself and see what God might uncover for you through the experience!

Adult Faith Forum :: Adviento: Tradiciones Latinas (Advent: Latino Traditions)
Sunday, December 15, 10:15-11 a.m., Parish Hall
Adviento: Tradiciones Latinas (Advent: Latino Traditions)
While many of us are focused on our own traditions of Advent, we will pause to consider how our neighbors in the Latino community observe this season of waiting, longing and anticipation. Join the Rev. Jeff Bower and members of the Puentes Leadership Team in exploring some of the rich traditions, meanings and history of the celebrations of La Fiesta de Senora de Guadalupe and Las Posadas.

All-Parish Coffee Hour
Join us for Advent wreath and Christmas card making during All-Parish Coffee Hour.

Adult Formation :: Published Prayers you’ve never seen
CRR (second floor, Parish Ctr. bldg.)
Join the Rev. John Denson for a tour through some of the prayers and prayer books from around the Episcopal/Anglican scene. This offering will touch on all sorts of places and occasions for prayer, from A New Zealand Prayer Book to the newly published Rage Prayers, and offer a chance for you to explore the resources yourself.

Adult Forum :: Gratitude
Burrows Commons
The Bible is very clear in its injunctions that we feel gratitude for the Lord's blessings, but what role does gratitude play in our mental health? As it turns out, quite a lot! Join this forum led by St. Paul’s parishioner, Ruth Owen. Click here to email Ruth with questions.

Intergenerational Godly Play
Godly Play is used during formation hour to teach children (age 3-grade 5) sacred stories/parables/liturgy.
Newcomer Tour
Whether you are new or have been attending for years and are curious about the spaces and places that we call St. Paul's.

Adult Faith Forum :: The Metamorphosis of Mother's Day
Join us in the Parish Hall on Sunday, May 12, 10:15-11 a.m.

Adult Faith Forum :: What Does it Mean to be Episcopalian?
Join the Rev. Jeff Bower for a conversation considering the question, “What Does it Mean to be Episcopalian”?

Lector, Intercessor & Altar Team Formation
The Lectors, Intercessors & Altar Team ministries will meet for formation, beginning with Morning Prayer in the Chapel of the Good Shepherd followed by activities in the Lilly Room.

Adult Faith Forum :: Stress Less through Mindfulness
April is National Stress Awareness Month. Join the Wellness team to explore the default stress response and how simple Mindfulness practices enable us to respond rather than react to stressors.