God’s Gifts
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

God’s Gifts

“…’Life’s mysteries and miracles are ours to seize and share, beginning this year and never ending.’ … it is acceptable to set aside our to-do lists, to make time to sit, to watch, to be grateful and then to share with others all that God gives us.”

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Dare to hope
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

Dare to hope

“…the birth of Jesus reminds us that God is with us in the midst of the suffering. And by “us” I mean all of us, all of humanity. God is with the innocents, suffering with them and weeping for them….This Christmas, dare to hope. It is one way we can shine the light of Christ in a dark world. “

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God’s Plan
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

God’s Plan

“…Christmas celebrates the wonder of the Incarnation; of God the Creator becoming flesh and dwelling among us (John 1:14); of God arriving as an infant to live among us in both the good and the bad of our world as well as the joys and the sorrows of our lives. At its best, Christmas inspires awe that God loves us enough to dare to do such a thing. “

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“Keep Awake”
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

“Keep Awake”

“Advent waiting is not an invitation to passivity (Beth spoke of this in her excellent sermon this past Sunday). Jesus tells us to “keep awake” (Mark 13:35) not so we lie hopelessly in the bed but to encourage us to step out into the dark. Why? Because one of the paradoxes of our faith is that it is from the dark that we see Christ’s light emerging. Being awake and active in the dark allows us to participate in the emerging new dawn of God’s justice, peace, grace and healing.”

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Advent Reflection
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

Advent Reflection

“The idea that we need to “have our lives in order” just doesn’t check out with the Gospels. The story of a perfect family where everything goes right and happiness overflows is nowhere to be found. If our lives are messy, our best laid plans destroyed by the world, that’s nothing new to Jesus, the holy family, or the apostles for that matter.”

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Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy


“As we wait for Jesus to come, Jesus waits, as Nouwen put it, for our “ears to hear and our eyes to see.” The intentional focus of Advent prepares us to recognize and receive the Holy One who comes in each moment of our lives, to love us, save us, call us, and equip us to be the light of Christ in the world. “

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Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy


“…suffering and beauty exist at the same time. We can work to heal injustice, distress and loneliness while also giving thanks for the many ways God blesses this world in which we live. Living this way fulfills, I believe, the true spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday.”

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Broken Hearts
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

Broken Hearts

“ This week, Jesus’ words break my heart. I keep thinking about the three dozen premature babies in Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza who struggle to live because there is no power for their incubators. Who, beyond the ill-equipped doctors and nurses who toil to care for them, will ensure that these infants have a chance to survive? Who, beyond the families that wait helplessly for their loved ones to return, will ensure the elderly Israelis held hostage by Hamas are not forgotten? Will these most vulnerable humans be nothing but pawns in a tragic power struggle? “

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Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy


“…We don’t get to decide who is righteous and who is not. We are called to break down barriers, to love our neighbor as ourselves, to form beloved community and to invite all people to experience the grace and mercy of God.”

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In God’s hands
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

In God’s hands

“God doesn’t need our worship. We need it. Lifting our voices in song, reciting the Nicene Creed and the prayers, kneeling for confession, receiving communion. At times any of this can feel rote and disconnected from the rest of our lives. But over time, Sunday after Sunday after Sunday, we become what we worship. We become the people God desires us to be.”

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Moral clarity
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

Moral clarity

“…I’ll suggest we allow our words and actions in the coming weeks to be guided by some of the questions from our Baptismal Covenant (pp. 304-305 in the Prayer Book). Will you persevere in resisting evil, and, whenever you fall into sin, repent and return to the Lord? Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself? Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?”

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Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy


“A parishioner shared with me an article by David DeSteno from The Wall Street Journal which explored this question. The article makes some interesting points, two of which I’ll share here. First, participating in community is an antidote to the experience of isolation and loneliness impacting many in our nation. As DeSteno writes, there is “ample evidence that socializing is a boon to health.” Second, DeSteno points out that “Reciting prayers, chanting mantras and engaging in deep contemplation affect worshipers in multiple ways. These practices slow breathing and brighten emotional states, with a direct positive impact on the cardiovascular system. They alter thought processes, imbuing situations that might seem hopeless with a sense of optimism, which is also linked to improved health.”’

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Blessing of family
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

Blessing of family

“…every once in a while, my identities as priest and dad intersect directly. I baptized Eli when they were two months old. I buried my grandmother, an aunt and uncle, and my parents. My mother-in-law has asked me to do the same for her (though she’s still very much alive and kicking!). And this Saturday, September 30, I will officiate Taylor’s wedding, pronouncing that my son and his beloved, Nicole, are husband and wife. Eli is sure I’m going to cry, which is entirely possible because even while I’m being a priest, I will also be a very happy dad.”

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Our best is enough
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

Our best is enough

…“Am I doing enough?” seems to be, if not a universal question, at least a question many ask. They want to know that what they do at work, at home, in school, in our neighborhoods, at church, and in the community is transformative. That they are making a positive difference. Sometimes their efforts feel like ripples in a pond when they yearn for waves of change.”

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Everyone is blessed
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

Everyone is blessed

“…the experience of blessing is not something for us to hoard. It is a gift for us to share. Whenever we see misfortune in any form — poverty, hunger, marginalization, racism, loneliness — we are called by Jesus to be instruments of God’s blessing and conduits of grace.”

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Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy


“I invite you to sing this Sunday, whatever your level of skill and confidence. The choir will support you. And if you don’t want to sing? That’s fine, of course. Our Episcopal hymnody is not always easy to sing. In that case, I invite you to open the hymnal and follow along. The text may invite your heart to sing even as you listen to the voices of others. “

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Being “catholic”
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

Being “catholic”

“Many people describe St. Paul’s as inclusive and accepting, and this is clearly true. Yet, even in the most inclusive churches there are people who feel forgotten, unseen, or that they don’t fit in with the majority perspective. In a polarized age in which our society suffers from an epidemic of loneliness, it is all the more important that we commit ourselves to being as “catholic” as possible. An open spirit, even within the context of our formalized faith, will make us a more loving and accepting church.”

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Rector's Reflection Meegan Kriner Rector's Reflection Meegan Kriner


“Silence can be a great gift. The silence of my porch on a summer evening. The silence of my morning prayer time. The silence of the church early on Sunday morning before the first service begins. In a world that is often too noisy, I yearn for these times of silence in which God feels very present.”

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Rector's Reflection Meegan Kriner Rector's Reflection Meegan Kriner


“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. So begins the third chapter of the book of Ecclesiastes in the Hebrew Bible. I could describe this season of our life at St. Paul’s in many ways. This month, it seems most appropriate to say we are in a season of transition.”

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