Guardian Angels
Rector's Reflection Meegan Kriner Rector's Reflection Meegan Kriner

Guardian Angels

“In scripture, angels generally appear not to guard but to deliver a message. The message is almost always some version of ‘Don’t be afraid. You are not alone. God is with you. Keep going.’ While these angelic visits do not guard those who are visited, they do gird them by providing power and strength for the journey.”

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A prayer for all of us
Rector's Reflection Meegan Kriner Rector's Reflection Meegan Kriner

A prayer for all of us

Bring us, O Lord God, at our last awakening into the house and gate of heaven, to enter into that gate and dwell in that house, where there shall be no darkness nor dazzling, but one equal light; no noise nor silence, but one equal music; no fears nor hopes, but one equal possession; no ends nor beginnings, but one equal eternity: in the habitations of thy majesty and glory, world without end. Amen.

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Days of Infamy
Rector's Reflection Meegan Kriner Rector's Reflection Meegan Kriner

Days of Infamy

“We all can name personal days of infamy. The death of a loved one, the loss of a job, the day we heard the diagnosis that changed the course of our life. The moment we realize we can no longer protect our children or discover our loved one with dementia no longer recognizes us….”

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Share Delight
Rector's Reflection Meegan Kriner Rector's Reflection Meegan Kriner

Share Delight

“Joy is not only good for our well-being, but it is also at the heart of Jesus’ life and ministry. I came into the world, Jesus told his disciples, “so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete.” (John 15:11)”

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Rector's Reflection Meegan Kriner Rector's Reflection Meegan Kriner


“love is not restricted to married couples. Siblings, friends, neighbors, chosen family. If we have people who show up for us when life is hard and celebrate with us when life is good, we know what it is to receive this love. If we have people for whom we show up to console in tough times and to rejoice in good times, we know what it is to give this love. To have even one relationship like this is a blessing. To have two or three is an abundance.”

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Being a witness
Rector's Reflection Meegan Kriner Rector's Reflection Meegan Kriner

Being a witness

“Where we too often see scarcity, God sees abundance. Where we see people in need, God sees people with gifts. When we see as God sees and live according to that vision, we become witnesses for Christ and participate in the transformation of the world.”

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Rector's Reflection Meegan Kriner Rector's Reflection Meegan Kriner


“…in a time of such deep division in our world, it seems to me the bishops are setting an example for how to stay in relationship and keep working together. As the old song says, they won’t know we are Christians because we’re right, ‘they’ll know we are Christians by our love.’ ”

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Expressing Gratitude
Rector's Reflection Meegan Kriner Rector's Reflection Meegan Kriner

Expressing Gratitude

Expressing gratitude each morning has the power to shape our attitude for the rest of the day. In the General Thanksgiving we don’t simply say we’re grateful. We ask God to give us the wisdom to live “with truly thankful hearts,” being grateful “not only with our lips, but in our lives.”

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How Jesus intended our garden to grow
Rector's Reflection Meegan Kriner Rector's Reflection Meegan Kriner

How Jesus intended our garden to grow

“The Episcopal Church used to be the divider of the weeds and now we need to look for the flowers in the cracks,” she said. “You do not pull out the violets. You water them. Feed them. Fertilize them. Nurture them. … If we could do that, I think we would find our congregations and our structures would be more aligned with how Jesus has intended our garden to grow.”

- Julia Ayala Harris, President of the House of Deputies of The Episcopal Church

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Invitation to Rest
Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy Rector's Reflection St. Paul's Indy

Invitation to Rest

“I pray you will make time to be idle, to stroll through the fields or on the beach or in your neighborhood. Let go of the ‘oughts’ and ‘shoulds’ for a day or a week or even an hour. Accept God’s invitation to rest. “

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