
Dear Friends,

As I embark on my sabbatical, I want to thank our Rector, John Denson, the Vestry and the entire St. Paul’s community for giving me this time away to refresh my body, mind and spirit.

When I first spoke to John Denson about the possibility of a sabbatical, he asked me what I hoped to do while away. As some of you may have picked up from conversations or comments in sermons, some of my most memorable days have been spent walking or hiking in nature, especially when I’ve had a daughter, grandchild or Rich alongside.

So that’s exactly what I plan to do over my sabbatical — spend a good deal of time hiking. In June, I’ll spend time with our daughter Hannah and son-in-law Harry who live in Davis, California. Hannah and I will hike in Yosemite, Lake Tahoe and along the coast near Bodega Bay, north of San Francisco. I’ll also spend a few days alone in quiet retreat at two of my favorite Episcopal Camps in California and visit with my oldest sister who I don’t see much of now that she too is a California resident.

In July, Rich and I will head to the Oregon coast, a favorite spot of ours and one with lots of options for day hikes and beach walks. In August, we will drive the Canadian route to Prince Edward Island where we will stay with friends and enjoy hiking on that beautiful island and — if time permits — visit Nova Scotia. Our final stop will be Acadia National Park in Maine where I will enjoy a few more days of hiking, the fresh water lakes and the roughed coastline.

In between travels, I look forward to time with family in northern Indiana. I hope to pick black raspberries from the patch I’ve been tending and blueberries at a local farm. I will take walks and swim with our grandchildren, read some good books and spend a little time in my flower beds.

I will miss you all but I am so looking forward to the weeks ahead. For now, please know that I will keep you in my daily prayers and ask that you do the same. I look forward to seeing you in September!

With deep gratitude and appreciation,

The Rev. Barbara Kempf

Associate Rector for Intergenerational Ministries


Pray for Uvalde, TX


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