School #43 Update

St. Paul’s volunteers are tutoring and mentoring School #43 students in Pre-K, Kindergarten, first and third grades this year. The enrollment at School #43 continues to grow with six new first graders in the past two weeks. Next year, School #43 will be a K-5 School for the Arts. The IPS Emotionally Handicapped Program (currently housed at the school) will be moving to a new site for the 2024-25 school year.

This spring and summer, School #43 will be working to beautify their school grounds and entryway, improving their sensory room and creating a staff tranquil room. The school is applying for grant funding through the city and the Butler Tarkington Neighborhood Association.

Testing windows for IPS Schools will begin with the March 4-15 window for “I Read” for third graders and will conclude with the April 15-May 10 window for “I Learn” for grades 3-8. The district has specified that NO VOLUNTEERS may be in the building during these times. St Paul’s is supporting testing through an Outreach donation for testing supplies and snacks.

JWR School #43 is partnering with the Riley Children’s Foundation and the James Whitcomb Riley Home and Museum as they prepare for their 100 year celebration. This will include tours, field trips and camps. Discussion has begun on how community partners can help with providing scholarships for students.

If you are interested in learning more about St Paul’s partnership with School #43, please click here to email Janie Frazier.


Lay Clergy Group Update

