Lay Clergy Group Update

The Lay Clergy Group (LCG) consists of Lay and Clergy from the area churches working together with the MLK Center to address homelessness.

The February meeting of the LCG, discussed how to best support the MLK Center’s current needs in helping homeless families find affordable housing. Many great ideas were brought forward and the LCG decided to focus on one or two goals to be determined by MLK’s staff. Goals will be revealed to the LCG at the March 2024 meeting. 

One collectively agreed upon goal was to create relationships between the churches and MLK families. Smaller goals, such as Court Watching and a Spring Cleaning Drive would be accomplished through individuals and combined church groups.   

If you have an interest in Court Watching (click here for a Court Watching description), please click here to email Janie Frazier. If you would like to be part of the LCG - or help with future projects addressing homelessness - please click here to email Janie Frazier or click here to email Larry Krauser.




School #43 Update