Past projects & sponsored events

Past Grant Projects

Past Sponsored Events

FJA sponsored the 1st annual IndyFringe Street Chalk Art Festival, held at IndyFringe headquarters on St. Claire Street. Artists created pieces that engendered conversation and inspired festival patrons throughout the day. The competition also included an area for 12 to 17 year-olds to compete and display their talents.

Documentary photographer Joe Quint works to tell the stories of gun violence survivors, including the family members of victims and those who've witnessed horrific acts of violence. In partnership with FJA, Quint produced a series of comprehensive multimedia exhibits about the impact that Indianapolis gun violence has on survivors, as well as those often overlooked in the gun violence story -- people such as first responders, clergy and others who experience their own vicarious trauma. 

“The epidemic of gun violence, in the words of the Book of Common Prayer, ‘corrupts and destroys the creatures of God,’ ” said the Rev. John Denson, Rector of St. Paul’s and board member of Faith, Justice and the Arts. “We are called by God to respond to this destruction through acts of love, compassion and healing.” Stories of Gun Violence Across America: Indianapolis opened in September 2018.

In June 2017 we partnered with IndyFringe to sponsor a benefit concert by the Brooklyn Nomads from New York City. Held at the Indiana Landmarks Center, the concert was a two-hour musical tribute to the six countries named in the March 16, 2017 travel ban – Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. The Brooklyn Nomads’ music was an expression of support and gratitude towards the rich melting pot of the entire United States, which enabled this group to come to life. The evening also included testimonies from recent refugees who have settled in Indianapolis. Proceeds from the ticket sales supported Exodus Refugee Immigration and the Immigrant Welcome Center.


Fall 2021 Grant Recipients