Vestry Nominees for the Class of 2026

St. Paul’s Vestry is pleased to announce the four candidates on this year’s slate: Irma Boyett, Janie Frazier, George Slenski and John Thorpe. View the vestry applications for each candidate below. Additional nominations for the Vestry Class of 2026 will be accepted now through Sunday, January 22.

  • IRMA BOYETT Effective governance is a vital component in shaping the evolving mission and continued growth of St. Paul’s. Serving on the Vestry would give me an opportunity to help with the development of a broader and more inclusive vision for our church. My work experience (see answer below) would be useful to the planning process we are currently undertaking. Stewardship is a fundamental aspect of my faith and Christian journey. I want to be elected to the Vestry to further serve God, my fellow parishioners, and our larger community.

    JANIE FRAZIER I have always felt that I have been given much in my lifetime ,and have a strong desire to share what I have been blessed with. Serving on St. Paul’s Vestry offers me the opportunity to do just that. I also believe that this is an opportunity for me to learn and grow in my faith, and , in my own small way, make the world a better place.

    GEORGE SLENSKI I’ve been a member of St Paul’s about 7 years it’s been my primary worship community. St Paul’s has been a great and welcoming community and has supported my ministry interests. I would like to part of the Vestry to help guide St Paul’s as we navigate through the many changes brought about by the pandemic and the need to address many of the social justice issues here in Indianapolis. St Paul’s, with its large community and substantial resources has a unique opportunity to address many of the social justice issues that are challenging Indianapolis and the wider community. I’d like to help St Paul use its financial and people resources to strengthen our worship community and in our surrounding community, bring about the peace and justice that Jesus proclaims in the Gospels.

    JOHN THORPE My wife, Clair, and I moved to Indianapolis in the fall of 2019 and immediately began a search for a church home. The day we walked into St. Paul’s we felt welcomed and cared for and knew that we had come home. We have tried since then to repay some of that welcoming kindness by being part of several ministries - me in the choir and Clair ushering and being a lector. I have considerable experience in parish and diocesan life and this suggested to me that I have skills to share with the St. Paul’s community and the Vestry in particular.

  • IRMA BOYETT I regularly attend the 7:45 a.m. service. I have served as a lector for the past ten years. I serve on the Outreach Oversight Committee with additional duties on the grant review subcommittee. Serving on this subcommittee, has taught me the thoughtful and fiscally responsible about the use of our financial resources. It has made me a better steward. I will bring those skills and insight to service on the Vestry. This committee has further taught me the art of compromise for a greater good. I have attended Women’s Bible Study and the Men’s Tuesday Study Group and hope to resume regular attendance of these two ministries. My participation in various groups has enhanced my knowledge of how St Paul’s works and the delicate balance between the clergy and laity.

    JANIE FRAZIER I have been involved in Community Outreach for the past four years. A large focus for that time has been the building and growing of the School 43 ministry. As a retired educator I have always worked to level the playing field for all people. I see education, and particularly the ability to read, as the tool that can be most instrumental in doing this. .By being a member of Outreach I have been able to share the knowledge that I have been acquiring throughout my life and develop relationships that make a difference.

    GEORGE SLENSKI I’ve been involved for the last 7 years in St Paul’s outreach programs that have included feeding ministries such as Day Spring and Habitat for Humanity builds. I’m also a member of the St Paul’s outreach committee and an usher. I’ve been part of adult formation program development and have led several sessions. I’m a member of the TGIF group and have helped setup several events. I helped launch a St Paul’s book study group that has met weekly for the last seven years. I’ve been part of the Kairos Christian prison ministry which has been supported by St Paul’s. I’m also a mentor in the Trusted Mentor program for men recently out of prison. Last year I helped setup a diocesan men’s retreat at Way Cross and established a monthly men’s group based on the teachings of Richard Rohr. I recently helped start a community garden at St Paul’s and led a book group that resulted in a newly active St Paul’s creation care and environmental group.

    JOHN THORPE Before moving to Indianapolis in 2019, Clair and I lived in Baltimore and were active members of the Cathedral of the Incarnation. During my 36 years in Baltimore, I served for many years as a member of the Cathedral Chapter with several terms as Senior Warden to two different Deans. I also worked extensively with the Diocese of Maryland acting as lay chaplain to Diocesan search committees for two Bishops and two Deans and as the Chair of the Diocesan Committee on Evangelism for three years. Perhaps my most important work with the Diocese was as a member of the Diocesan Commission on Ministry for four 3-year terms, and as the chair of the Commission for the last of those terms. I believe my extensive experience in lay ministry at both the parish and Diocesan level could be beneficial to my service on the Vestry.

  • IRMA BOYETT I have extensive work experience in the areas of community outreach and engagement, racial equity/justice, program development and consensus building. I worked as Director of Education, Employment, and Training for the Indianapolis Urban League for twenty-nine years. Their mission was to assist minority stakeholders gain racial parity in education, employment, housing, and business/economic development in the greater Indianapolis area. During my tenure; I was appointed staff liaison to the board of directors, in a five year strategic planning initiative. The goal was to redefine our mission and programmatic thrust. In that capacity, I compiled data, prepared budgets, convened and facilitated focus groups, developed organizational coalitions, and secured funding for ongoing programming. I created and chaired a staff committee whose primary function was to design strategies to increase membership. These skills directly correlate to and align with the changes our church is attempting to make. I believe my background has given me a unique perspective that would be an asset to the Vestry during the process of exploration and change. I look forward to the challenge.

    JANIE FRAZIER I am retired from public education after 43 years with a Masters in Education and concentration in reading. My career included being an early childhood teacher, a Reading Recovery teacher, our district’s literacy coach, and spending the last eight years as our District Title I Director. Working as the Title I Director I learned much about the grant process, budgeting, and program development. I believe that these skills along with my ability to be open to various points of view would make me a beneficial member of St. Paul’s Vestry.

    GEORGE SLENSKI I have an undergraduate and a master’s degree in engineering and worked for the Air Force Research Laboratory for 26 years as an accident investigator and senior program manager. For the last 15 years I’ve had my own consulting company and work for NASA as a subject matter expert on spacecraft electrical systems. I’ve led multiple teams both in my professional area and in Christian ministry. I have completed the Episcopal Education For Ministry program and I’m currently in a two year program to become a spiritual director.

    JOHN THORPE I earned a B.A. from Rhodes University (Grahamstown, South Africa) and an M.S. in Curriculum and Instruction from the Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, Maryland). In 2019, I retired after a 48-year career in education during which I was a High School teacher, Department Chair, Academic Dean and High School Principal. During my career, I exhibited strong organizational and leadership skills that could be beneficial to the work of the Vestry.

  • IRMA BOYETT My initial hope for St Paul’s is to increase our membership and that new members reflect our larger community’s demographic. Hopefully, my election to the Vestry will increase sensitivity to and understanding of our diverse member population. I would like to help develop a ministry that addresses aging and end of life issues. I believe this population is currently underserved by St Paul’s existing ministries. Further, it is an important ministry as our congregation grows older. Pastoral Care is the only service of the church that focuses on this need. Lastly, I want to work to increase parishioners’ participation and engagement with available ministries and volunteer opportunities. My hopes and aspirations for St Paul’s may seem ambition, but I know they are attainable.

    JANIE FRAZIER My goal for the next three years as a member of St. Paul’s Vestry include continued spiritual growth and an understanding of how the church’s role in today’s world can be positive and impactful.. I hope that by being a member of this group I am able to provide incite and support as decisions regarding St. Paul’s are made.

    GEORGE SLENSKI I’m a team builder and problem solver. As a clergy spouse, I’ve been part of over ten Episcopal Churches in the last fifteen years and have seen what works well and doesn’t work well. I have also worked with multiple churches and communities to build spiritual communities in churches and in prisons. For the last 44 years I’ve been part of Christian groups that have worked to improve the quality of life in blighted communities. I believe in a strong outreach program where we as parishioners, should serve the local community and use our resources to address racism, economic, and environmental justice.

    JOHN THORPE I hope that the Vestry will continue to lead our St. Paul’s community into a Christ-filled future that is ever more inclusive, welcoming, and loving.

Voting for the Vestry Slate, Diocesan Delegates and to approve the 2022 Annual Meeting minutes will open on Thursday, January 26.




“A Plea for Healing” interfaith prayer service