Waycross Episcopal Camp & Conference Center
You are warmly invited to join with families and friends from St. Paul’s for a weekend away at Waycross Camp & Conference Center in Brown County, Indiana. Enjoy fellowship, worship and the wide variety of indoor and outdoor activities that Waycross has to offer. The retreat is sponsored by our Family Ministry; programming will be designed for families with children in the household, but all who wish to come are welcome. Cost for the entire weekend is all inclusive, with private hotel-type lodging, meals and snacks, programming, crafts, nursery care and more.
Costs are as follows. Children ages 2 and younger are free, and should not be included in your fee selection.
- $100 / 1 person
- $200 / 2 people
- $225 / 3 people
- $250 / 4 or more people
Scholarships to offset the retreat fees are also available. If you have any questions, please contact Director of Children, Youth & Family Ministry, Laurie Pierce at lpierce@stpaulsindy.org or 463.800.3073.
Registration was due by September 15, 2022 and is now closed.
If you have already registered but wish to pay online now, click here.