Reflection :: May 2
Parishioner, Deb Robinson shares the following reflection:
Stewardship and Other Matters of the Heart
I came to St. Paul’s via the noontime Tuesday Study Group book club at Broad Ripple Brewpub, which I discovered on St. Paul’s website while searching for an Episcopal Church to call home after a move back to Indianapolis. The motivation to get me there: they had started a book by one of my favorite authors. I’ve now been attending that small group of saints for two years. They are my community and I have come to love them as brothers and sisters in Christ. We are bound together not only by the book discussions but also by our life circumstances and prayers for each other. It feels so good to belong.
I know that in belonging comes a commitment. We receive and we give, we give and we receive. When I was young, I read that a budget is a moral document - it’s true; I’ve had to adjust my budget at times like I do my attitude — to reflect my Christian values — my life in Christ. As I’ve aged, it has become quite clear that giving my time and giftedness is equally important in advancing His love not just through this wonderful Church, but in my soul as well. And I have learned there is joy in stewardship. I long for my emotional landscape to widen in that joyful expression of stewardship. Just as I toggle to switch my lens on my phone camera to “panoramic” to capture the full essence of the view before me.
There is a verse in scripture (Ephesians 2:10) that reads, “For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.” To be our way of life — that is so beautiful and yet, for me, it is also convicting.
As John has mentioned in past reflections, it's living the tension between the “already” and the “not-yet,” or between participation and anticipation. The practicality for me in living out that tension here at St. Paul’s is to tutor in reading at School #43. In that participation, I am anticipating that it will help lift children out of poverty as those reading skills are developed and the love to read grows. That is social justice and St. Paul’s facilitates that partnership along with many others (the MLK Center, Craine House, the Damien Center and many more. Around here in this community, the body of Christ, I participate in greeting folks upon their arrival to celebrate Mass. My anticipation is that I will welcome new folks who will experience the welcoming that I did, which led me to commit to this as my church home. Also, I participate in the nursery. Beth Yakey and I are on-call to assist Laurie when she needs help in the nursery. I anticipate this will free up Laurie to fulfill her call to the families in this congregation; she spreads the love of Christ, advancing the kingdom of God in the hearts and minds of dozens of families. That has rippling effects in our community — not just in the now, but to future generations. I understand this is a bit of time that I’m giving for all that to happen. However, if we all give that time to help Laurie and other staff members, sharing the love of Christ is multiplied.
Lastly, I participated on the "Celebrate St. Paul's" committee to organize that event. I anticipated it would be a fabulous, fantastic, fun party and it was! Also, I hope you participate in supporting St. Paul’s in your charitable giving, to get some "skin in the game." And I hope that you anticipate being part of a movement that spreads hope, love and the reconciliation of all people in Jesus the Christ.
I am not a wealthy woman, but I am someone who knows I have things I can give. I have a bit of time, some giftedness and money. I filled out my estimate of giving card and thus I’m learning to walk out that tension of the already and the not yet… as the scripture says, “to make it the way of my life.” Sharing Christ’s Love, Creating Community and Striving for Justice" of the oppressed. My prayer is that you all look at your budgets (that moral document) and give out of the abundance of your hearts.
It feels so good to belong, and please remember there is joy in stewardship.
Peace and all good,
Deb Robinson