Reflection :: June 27

Parishioner, Anne Schollenberger shares the following reflection:

I cannot fully express my gratitude to St Paul's for being the community that I have always wanted and hoped to have. Our journey at St.. Paul’s started with my son’s interest in choir, which began my time as a “choir mom.” I became familiar with taking my son to choir rehearsals and having the chance to watch him flourish as a chorister at a church that we both loved. Helping to prepare Thursday choir dinners for the children was a great opportunity for me to get to know other choir parents and their kids. What I treasure most is being welcomed into a community that has loved and nurtured my child as an elementary student — and continuing to the present day as a college student.

As with all of us, COVID was very devastating and altered the way we engage with others. During this time, I welcomed St. Paul’s livestream services to maintain a connection with church. I found myself dealing with the breakdown of my marriage and the subsequent difficult times for my children. Having the opportunity to attend services virtually was very appreciated and kept me connected. Last year, I learned that volunteers were needed to help with the livestream. Although I didn’t have experience, I was able to learn with guidance from those around me. I’ve loved learning a new skill and getting to know the others that participate.

Thank you, St. Paul’s – for welcoming us all, as we are - and giving us the chance to get to know people better. This community is truly something special.

 Anne Schollenberger, Parishioner



