Reflection :: June 20

Senior Director of Parish Operations, Dan Thompson shares the following reflection:

Any Hamilton fans out there? When asked to write this reflection, the song The Room Where It Happens (the room where it happened, the room where it happened) kept bouncing around in my head. Weird, I know. Hang in there with me, I may or may not have a point…

When The Rev. John Denson left for his sabbatical, he shared with our staff, wardens and vestry a document called “Leadership Guidelines, Procedures and Responsibilities.” It clearly laid out what he expected and/or the chain of command in his absence. My name was in the document a lot; that was exciting! An increased leadership role, a feeling of empowerment and trust — not just with my role, but everyone’s responsibility being elevated with the absence of our fearless leader — hip hip hooray, we can do this!

First week John was gone: Issue here, issue there, HVAC had a leak, needed to discuss new initiative proposals, got people excited about Celebrate St. Paul’s event, received calls from the wardens, trustees had questions and the Diocese of Indianapolis had questions about that, and the tower door was broken!!!! Now, when John is here, I am involved in a vast majority of these decisions, as are other staff members. But as I started that last sentence, those things typically happen when John is in the room.  

In his absence, my office has become the room where it happens (the room where it happened, the room where it happened)….as the song goes:

No one really knows how the game is played

The art of the trade

How the sausage gets made

We just assume that it happens

I was naïve to how St. Paul’s truly works, which sounds a little weird because I have worked here for two and a half years. 

What do I mean by that?

People really care here at St. Paul’s! At all levels, there is a true commitment to live out the mission of St. Paul’s. 

While I have certainly seen this in my time here, my role gets somewhat limited to sausage making if I tie it back to the song’s lyrics. So, to have been able to interact more directly with the wardens, vestry, staff and parishioners of St. Paul’s has been inspiring and very fulfilling!

I realized we all are “in the room where it happens.” The countless hours the vestry puts in, the extra time the staff stays to make sure programming is offered, the above and beyond the wardens go, the dedication of the trustees, the altar guild, the ushers, the choir, The Green Team, The Grandmother’s Group, Youth Group, Fellowship and volunteer groups, the list goes on and on. Showing up for an event, showing up on Sundays, you make it happen! How many more times can I use the word happen in this reflection? 

I applaud you, St. Paul’s! Keep up the good work! 

Where I am challenging you, is to realize that you are heard! You are valued! You are needed! 

Make room and realize you are an integral part of “the room where it happens!” Or more simply put, you are the embodiment and success of the mission of St. Paul’s. Thanks for making my (our) job(s) easier….now t-minus three weeks before we turn it back over to the Rev. John Denson.

 Dan Thompson, Senior Director of Parish Operations



