Ongoing Outreach Opportunities

Volunteer at IPS #43

James Whitcomb Riley School (IPS #43) is a Title #1 school less than three miles from St. Paul's, serving nearly 500 at risk and underprivileged students (K-8th grade). Volunteers are needed to help with special events, in classrooms and with tutoring. If you are interested in volunteering through St. Paul's, contact Janie Frazier.


Dayspring Pantry Collection

A basket in the Burrows Commons (Church building) collects items needed by this local homeless shelter for families. For more info and the donation wish list, visit

Mission in Mombasa

This team organizes sponsorship for students at the Onesimus Boys Centre and Dickson Children's Center, an annual mission-driven project and a periodic mission trip to Mombasa, Kenya. Currently there are 35 sponsors providing supporting 22 children. Click here to lend your financial support now. For more info contact Barb MacDougall or visit


Needle Arts Ministry

All those who enjoy the needle arts are welcomed to participate in this ministry of making knit/crocheted items (prayer shawls, hats, scarves, etc.) for members of the congregation, our diocesan cooperating ministries, and others who are ill or otherwise in need. For more info contact Barb MacDougall.


Riley Hospital Cheer Guild

A group of "grandmothers" meets weekly on Wednesdays to create coloring book packets for children at Riley Children's Hospital in Indianapolis. For more info contact Ruth Williams.


Key Moments


Pray for Uvalde, TX