MLK Lay Clergy Update

During the month of April, members of St Paul’s contributed 20 large grocery bags of transitional housing cleaning and hygiene supplies. Churches that belong to the MLK Lay Clergy group will take turns, seasonally, to provide cleaning supplies for transitional housing.

At the May 21 Lay Clergy meeting, subcommittee’s reported on their progress. The Transitional Housing group reported that they are in the process of putting together a plan for furnishing an apartment as well as stocking it with kitchen and other essentials. The plan is expected to include additional pieces as planning progresses.

The Congregation Education subcommittee is currently reviewing data to be used as they create a video narrative to entice congregations to become more supportive of the MLK housing initiatives. The goal of the committee is to first educate congregations on the housing issues being addressed by the MLK Center.

The Neighborhood Education and Advocacy group is in the initial stage of planning a fall event that will address renter’s rights, eviction sealing, as well as Medicaid information.

If you are interested in more information regarding the MLK Lay Clergy group or the housing initiative, please click here to email Larry Krauser or click here to email Janie Frazier.




Reflection :: May 16