Local Pianist Brings Healing through Art

Clare Longendyke's Requiem for the Adrift and Shattered was made possible by an artist grant from St. Paul’s Faith, Justice & the Arts initiative.

The world premiere of a new multimedia work for solo piano, Requiem for the Adrift and Shattered, will take place in Indianapolis on January 29, 2023. The project, curated and performed by pianist Clare Longendyke, is the result of the Faith, Justice, and the Arts Grant from St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Indianapolis, which Longendyke was awarded in 2021.

The project focuses on creating artistic means of examining injustices happening in today’s world and generating collective pathways towards catharsis and healing. The performance features four new works for solo piano by composers Emily Koh, Rex Isenberg, Nkeiru Okoye, and Reinaldo Moya along with a new film created by Indianapolis filmmaker Deonna Weatherly and Weatherhouse Company. “I hope that experiencing Requiem for the Adrift and Shattered offers listeners the opportunity to learn from the new perspectives that the composers and filmmaker are evoking, so that they feel compelled to act in ways that foster a more inclusive, just, and peaceful society for every human,” Longendyke says.

Audience members can expect a performance that features new classical piano music, with the projection of a film between pieces as well as spoken word introductions and poetry readings. The performance will last an hour. 

The premiere of Requiem for the Adrift and Shattered will take place on Sunday, January 29, 2023 at  4:00 p.m. at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Indianapolis (6050 N. Meridian St.). A reprise performance is scheduled for Sunday, February 5, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. at the Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation (6501 N. Meridian St.).

Learn more at www.clarelongendyke.com.




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