Damien Center recognizes St. Paul’s Indy

On Saturday, October 22, several St. Paul’s members, clergy and staff gathered to support the Damien Center at this year’s Grand Masquerade. The Damien Center is Indiana’s largest organization devoted to information, treatment and prevention of HIV/AIDS. During the Vogue inspired evening, awards were presented to individuals and organizations that have partnered with the Damien Center and helped in advancing their mission, purposes and reach to the wider community.

St. Paul’s received the Florence L. Elias Corporate Compassion Award in recognition of our outstanding contributions to the Damien Center in the last year, recognizing our pastoral presence, our gifts to client families to support Thanksgiving meals and Christmas gifts for many clients, as well as our ongoing financial support through our Outreach Grants, funding general programming and specifically, a $15K grant to support the food pantry at the Damien Center. We continue to give thanks for the faithful work of the Damien Center, as we work to strengthen our partnership in the days ahead.




God is merciful